Sunday, July 27, 2008

Owned or mamed?

There is a reason you DO NOT WEAR shorts in a kitchen. I had to relearn this the hard way yesterday.

Taking a pot of boiling potatoes over to the sink was not such a good idea as the handle was so hot that it burned through my towels and cased me to drop the pot on the dish tank causing boiling water to rocket into the air and all over my legs. (Random string of curse words here...)

First degree burns all down my legs and into my shoes... how's that to start off a Saturday service? Needless to say, it sucks hardcore badly and has made walking rather painful as well.

If I manage to get the dressings off I might snap a picture, I'm pretty sure it's rather gnarly right about now... shrug, we'll see if I get around to it.

Fable in October? Oh my yes...


Former Ninja? said...

That sounds quite painful...

It's clear you've come a long way since I remember. Ah well, time is going to pass, isn't it?

A flash from the past,


James Taylor said...

Yoozel is a christian? Dayum.