Well... since my computer and Xbox are broken I have turned to text based games for entertainment... Want to be a champ? That wins the gold and gets all the ladies? Click the link below. :D
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That sucks. What happend to your Xbox? Can I ask?
Oh... got the ole red rings - believe it was the graphics that died on it.
Gross. 360 failures are of the most annoying sort.
I feel your pain, Yoozel.
Hey Yoozel,
I didn't know how often you Bungie guys check your private messages, but I figured you'd check this, so here it goes! I did send you a private message, however.
Key Grab
Game Variant
Halo 3
Key grab is a game not unlike Assault and CTF, however, it is incredibly intriguing addition to Halo 3. You can play it Neutral, One, or Multi. The object of this game is to get the key and unlock a new section of your base which will have different/more weapons in it. Primarily for eight or more people, it can be played with a minimum of two people. When you take the key to your base, it ‘unlocks’ new things. On Valhalla, for example, there are the two main bases on each side of the map. Each base will be totally blocked off by big cement blocks; you can’t even use the man cannons! There will be no way inside. Each team will start off on/around the platform where the banshee would normally be. As the game progresses and you unlock parts of the base, the cement blocks will go away and unlock new weapons/equipment/scenery in their place. See the “Unlocking” section near the end. I would also like to note that this could make a very interesting new game type with teams of three in small maps like Guardian, or Single Key on Highground as it has those nifty gates.
I will write this out for each different main variation so it can be seen how this game functions. For each part, I will write it out in ‘parts’, which will indicate different sections of the game. I will also use Valhalla as a general example so you can visualise what is going on instead of just reading it. I will also add X new variants of Key Grab that I have made up myself, compared to using its assault/CTF variant brothers.
Neutral Key
One key in the middle of the map; on top of the hill where the bomb would usually be. Both teams run for the key and attempt to bring it back to their base. Behind the base, where the banshee would normally be, there will be a panel. You hold RB and you place the key in the lock, and it unlocks a part of your base. After it is unlocked, or the time runs out, a new round starts (when someone unlocks a section of their base).
The team that did not return the key is now at a disadvantage, but only for a short amount of time. The team that has now unlocked the new section of their base is at an advantage, but only for one minute! After a minute, any weaponry/vehicles that have not been yet taken are taken from the map for the rest of the round. The section, however, is not closed off as the team that has returned the key the first time must now unlock the switch in the new area that was unlocked.
The game goes for 5 rounds (matchmaking), but the highest score you can get is three. If, for example, it is round three and a team has unlocked their base twice. Now their whole base is unlocked for one and a half minutes giving them a large advantage. Their new switch is on the top of the base, near the man cannon, in the middle of that funkily patterned glass.
Multi Key
Fast paced game, where any unlocks are permanent, however, weapons have longer-than-usual respond times.
Single Key
Attack and defend. Self explanatory really. Any unlocks are than saved for the next round when they are attacking. However, if you do unlock your base in Single Key, you also unlock a section when you are defending as well so you are better prepared for the fight against the attacks. These effects are taken into place after each team has a change to attack and defend, so no one team gets an advantage right off the get-go because they randomly got selected to attack first.
Multi-Team Neutral Key
This would be a very intense game type, in my mind, designed for four teams of three players. There would be, of course two teams starting off at the two main bases. But where would the other teams go? Right beside them for an epic fight at the start of the game? Better. Another team would be set up on the far side of the river, behind the turret, where the mongoose, radio tower, and boxes are. Another would start off in front of the crashed pelican. One may ask ‘this doesn’t seem very fair. They have no protection from snipers later on in the game!’ But here is where it can get interesting! While the players with the bases start off with low weapons, but good protection for delivering the key without getting pwned, the two open bases start off with no protection but heavy weaponry. This includes the currently placed turret on the hill, over the river, and another on the pelican. Whenever the open bases unlock the switch with the key, instead of getting better weapons, they get protection! This can be as widespread word as implementing man cannons to huge storage crates!
A question I was faced with when designing this specific version of Key Grab was how many rounds would be a good standard, matchmaking, amount. I came up with the number nine. Now I will explain why I decided on this number. As it takes three unlocks to win (two you get new weapons/defences/etc, last one is the winning one), the most amount of rounds needed for each team to have a chance at winning (therefore two unlocks per team), yet not win is eight. And you can only have one winner! So therefore I decided nine would be a good number. As I stated earlier, nine rounds will not be required to play. If one team gets three unlocks by the fifth round, game over, no more rounds. But I decide there needs to be the possibility of nine rounds so each team has a fair chance of winning.
Multi-Team Multi Key
When I was thinking about ways to really take this game type to a new level, this is what hit me. Picture in your mind Valhalla; four teams, four bases, each with a key. Now, the round doesn’t end when someone unlocks something. As a matter of fact, there is only one round, first to three unlocks wins. When I was thinking of this all I could think of was snipers and mongooses with rocketers on the back from the two open bases, and BR shots and nades everywhere from the protected ones. One word. Epic. I’ll let you guys fantasise over the how awesome this could be. Especially because I decided this would be even better if there were four teams of four, rather than the four teams of three for Multi-Team Neutral Key. Unlocking your bases early, whether to get extra defensives or better weapons, can be a great advantage!
I had trouble deciding how long to make this. I asked myself three questions. How long can I make it before it gets boring and tedious? How many people will play if they are more focused on getting XP and having fun, yet prefer to play a different game type that is still fun, but can get XP faster as well? If it is laggy, how many people will stick it out to end instead of quitting? I came up with twenty minute games. Bungie, you decide, but I have no doubt that you will choose nothing but twenty minutes for this game type. Well, if you even decide to make a Key Grab!
Multi-Team Double Key
This variant starts off so that the two teams in the main bases start off with keys, and are working together, yet independently, to defend their respective keys. Open bases can pick and chose which base to get from. It is possible to return the key twice in one round. Round time of six minutes. Now, one may ask oneself ‘Why wouldn’t both defending teams work together?’ This is because, if at the end of six minutes your key has not been returned by someone else, you get a point as well. Base effects are put into place after each team has a chance to attack and defend.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, and I truly hope that you support this game type as I believe that this could open even further opportunities in the future of Halo and Bungie.
^^ Advertising a map on your blog comments, wow.
Yoozel, your my fav. shhh don't tell anyone.
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