Sunday, July 27, 2008

Owned or mamed?

There is a reason you DO NOT WEAR shorts in a kitchen. I had to relearn this the hard way yesterday.

Taking a pot of boiling potatoes over to the sink was not such a good idea as the handle was so hot that it burned through my towels and cased me to drop the pot on the dish tank causing boiling water to rocket into the air and all over my legs. (Random string of curse words here...)

First degree burns all down my legs and into my shoes... how's that to start off a Saturday service? Needless to say, it sucks hardcore badly and has made walking rather painful as well.

If I manage to get the dressings off I might snap a picture, I'm pretty sure it's rather gnarly right about now... shrug, we'll see if I get around to it.

Fable in October? Oh my yes...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's BLIZZARD... it'll fucking rock! (It's BLIZZARD... it'll fucking take forever!)

Wow... been a long ass time, again... I know, I know... I've neglected everyone about So here's the story, every summer my job gets super busy and I am unable to work and work on like I do during the winter.

I've been so swamped and I am continually having to cover shifts of people that quit that I have actual no real time for in between sleep and well... going to work. So my apologies if you have sent me a message... I have nearly 400 in my inbox right now and can hardly answer any of them. If you have a serious issue that needs dealt with quickly I recommend messaging another mod and if they can't help you and if it's a life or death situation... tell them to buzz me on MSN.

But from now until I move, I'm pretty much inactive besides my occasional trolls and check ups. Yes, yes... I know, everything on is wrong. I get it, a lot of stuff hasn't been taken care of... deal with it for now.

I know I have always pledged to respond to my messages but at this time and point I am so swamped in between moving to Australia (oh yeah... the s40... didn't get so good of reviews from consumer reports) and my actual job that I have hardly any time to play games (GTA 4 still in the box) or even see my friends that I'm about ready to spontaneously combust. The only game that I actually have some time to linger is in World of Warcraft and by linger... I mean spend any free time I have or all night doing what I need to do to play catch up to my guild...

Anyone wanna roll Blood Elf alts somewhere? I need someone to level with so I can actually keep my focus and play to at least 60.

Yeah... so the world at large and all that shit... anyone going to PAX? I'm planning my flight and trip out there and can't wait to actually attend for once. Anyone planning on going or going to the 7th Column Fan Fest? I'm excited to see what will happen this year and with the return of fan fest.. hopefully there won't be crappy pizza and there will be some mad crazy Halo 3 action...

Please, please, please Halo Wars demo?

I've always been apprehensive about RTS games going to a console... I mean, come on... keyboards and a mouse just scream for absolute control but the more and more I look into Halo Wars the more I get excited about a in depth look into the Halo world. Needless to say I'm going to finally preorder it and hope for the best. I know Command & Conquer has gotten great reviews and I've heard good feedback from friends who play it on the 360... but still... just still, that little part of me holds onto my pc and all the old school RTS games that I used to play that keep me clinging to my dying breed of pc gamers.

I hate to admit that Bungie is ending the Halo universe but hey... at least I can live on in different worlds and the deep lore in which Bungie has presented us with... Let's cross our fingers and pray that this is going to be the sickest RTS to hit a console in... well... forever!

Diablo 3... A WOW killer? Not so much, but I'm waiting to see what Blizzard can cook up. I've been testy with them and have always bitched about WOW but let's pray they can get this right and actually release Starcraft II within the better half of the century...

Anyway... if you're from and have a really pressing concern you can always email me at the address listed in my profile. (Please don't leave absurd comments here...)