Well shit bricks... it's been over a month since I've had the chance to say a word. Most recently work has really caught up with me basically living at the restaurant pushing over 100 hours every two weeks and it's really taking a toll on me... or could it be all the drinking induced from strenuous hours? Who knows... certainly not I!
Regardless... our deck is open which is an additional... what, 200 people in the place at once... all screaming for crap food at once. Needless to say I've had a very big headache and have completely neglected all of Bungie.net for at least two weeks.
But alas I have finally caught up on all of my messages which is at least a relief knowing I don't have a pile of complaints waiting for me that is constantly building. The beast must be fed at least once a day or else it will consume all... true story, no really!
I read somewhere that the first serious signs of a true mental breakdown is thinking your job is really important... and I'm starting to believe that, wholeheartedly.
Now here comes the question... Australia (this year) or a 2008 Volvo S40 2.4i? I'm having a hard time deciding this one because the real kicker is I've found a 2007 in charcoal gray but haven't gotten any details on it. I'm excited to get one of these puppies but there's also ditching my job up here and running off to Australia to work and live for an entire year... decisions, I'm just not sure if it's entirely feasible to do both... damn economy.
Australia ( ) Volvo S40
+ = -
And how much debt do I want to be in for the next 4 years?
I've finally done it... I sat down and beat Mass Effect. Now I'm captivated yet still a little disappointed that it's kind'a like... well that's it for now... While the replay value is there... it's just kind'a like... uh... yeah, how can I skip every cut scene and just power level this crap? Needless to say I am drawn to the storyline and where it's going to in the future... so I will sucker in and buy the second game at least.
I have only been disappointed in minor details but hopefully bioware will man up and realize their faults. We'll just have to wait and see. Now I'm turning my ever short attention span to wishing, praying and sacrifi
cing small animals to make Fable 2 come out.
Anyone else remotely stoked? I mean... c'mon, at least they're giving us co-op! And even more insanely stunning graphics! Okay... fine... I'll love it to pieces anyway!
Oh well... for now it's time to chip away at my continued menu and do that thing I do... Also a few pictures of items I'm serve'n up.
Red wine braised Frenched chops with hericot verts and pommes puree.