One thing I feel I should briefly speak out on. Everyone has an opinion, that could potentially be a problem the a democracy where numbers supposedly matter... but when half the numbers cannot be counted, then we run into a bit of a contrast, the baby boomers versus the 80's/90's generation.
Personally I am opposed to this bill. I am a straight male but I care not who you love or want to be with, my rare concern is that you are happy. I feel that no government should limit your happiness, that is the beauty of American 'freedom' is that we do not accept any major religion into our government, supposedly but who calls that into question? Certainly not the founding fathers or the people that founded this nation.
I realize I am a little late on this, but I feel this could grossly effect our entire nation which is apparently build on freedom of religion. (Which could potentially be a huge problem consider we are by majority a Christian nation and thusly our own government apparently follows those practices see “One Nation under God” not god [thusly giving everyone the right to define god as any means to any religion, I'll chalk it up to a grammatical flaw])
I mark this entirely up to a different of generations. I personally, DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. Love who you want, make love, do whatever, we all want to love and to be loved and I really do not care who you do it with. I find that acceptable. I'm not here to protect anything sacred, I do not believe that it is entirely scared, marriage that is. It is a great and beautiful thing but in no Bible that I have read (and I read them for literary purposes, it's great story telling) does it specially define marriage.
Do you specifically want that definition? First, look up zealotry. Then read the Levidicas, I'm sorry... that's the only place that specially defines marriage as a 'man and a woman', which to be is absolut bullshit and solidifies my argument. If we believe this country was founded on freedom of religion that why should any religion believe that they have the majority to define what is or isn't marriage? I do not believe honestly that anyone in power of government nor state has the right to define marriage, you have no power you have no right, there is no definition in government for morals, believe it or not, this is a state found upon separation and we have increasingly infringed upon that line. It's actually disgusting our won hypocrisy and how much we actually beat down other religion.
I'm sorry, I did love American at one point but I have come to this simple rationalization, we hate others... we hate what we cannot understand. We really do hate everything and hate within. Why can we not fucking wake up? Oh wait, I'm sorry, we're granted a free public education where we teach everyone to evaluate their own opinions. We are not the Middle East where our dollar keeps the piratically mentally challenged. This is the world we live in, if you're smart enough to escape, you're crazy... well I'll accept that.
Look, what does same sex mean to the war hawks and the jaded fucks that currently run us? They personally are afraid, they is no true country behind them, this not the end of the world. We're not all going to turn gay or bisexual, we're going to continue on. If they want to adopt a child or if lesbians want to conceive, let them. At least a child is going to a home where they will be cared for (hopefully, but I have yet to hear of abuse from a same sex relationship), so American, I know where a good part of us stand... grow the HELL UP. Because I'm tired of listening to the “scared” “institution” there is no scared nor institution in politics or law. THEY ARE BOTH COLD AND HEARTLESS. Designed to be that way and shall remain that way, if you put a heart in law and politics then you will surely create an entirely sperate problem and most likely result in the downfall of the world. (For the record, I have no problem with compassion, but I know when it is appropriate) Morals / religion + politics = inane. I'm sorry, it won't work out. Don't believe me? Wake up, seriously, I'm no cult leader but I realize that American was built up hypocrisy and we should just drop this entire issue it is not relevant as to what the big picture actually projects. If I can blame same sex marriage to the downfall of America than I am seriously going to take up arms and retake this government for the betterment of the people, which I do have a right to do, for the simple fact that we as a word are dying in the details rather than looking at the bigger picture.
This is our world. We clash, youth versus the ancient. They did not have to grow up with “gays” or those that did were in the closet, deal with it. We so far have got along fine. Personally, I can attribute more problems to YOUR MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN RELIOGION THAN YOU CAN TO GAY PEOPLE. How many wars have gays caused? How many genocides? How many dead? How many innocent victims, how many life altering, world changing events? Does anyone care to explain to me this? Because I swear you have nothing on ME or anyone else who believes that there is nothing scared in marriage, yes it is beautiful, but it is in no need of protection... man and woman can be web, but god damn it, same sex marriage is the new black and white, what is the problem? What is it going to cause? Economic downfall (we already have that) religious collapse (aren't we supposed to be free of that) [BUT WAIT, it's overtones are CONTROLLING this government and many others], war (oh come the hell on...); what does this really boil down to? CNN, FOX, NBC, come right the HELL OUT AND SAY IT. RELIGION. RELIGION, RELIGION. I'm tired of it, I'm sick of it, we're dead in the water, someone in some authority come right out and say it. This isn't bull shit, I promise you, look into it, deeply, free yourself just for a little bit and look at this in a grander scheme.
I'm not wanting anyone to drink the koolaid but honestly, wake up and just think... this is not LAW, laws are set by man, religion is set by 'god' and well god is not law and in this country our laws are set by man free from religious bars but to me... we're just done, we need the “end of days” because to me, that means we cannot go on living this way anymore. And that is EXACTLY what we need. We need to finally come to our senses, but hell... you've been controlled by contradicting ideas and the promise of hell for this long... why not keep on the path? One more crusade to launch in the name of whatever... for whatever reason, for no god damn gain anymore.
I'm sorry people... this boils down to a matter of religious morals, which set us all and to me. Accept people for who they are, not the code they live by. Suck it up and we'll fix all of this in time.